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Why Mountain Surf?


Our lives revolve around surfing, yet we choose to live in the mountains.


Surfing is uniquely appealing through it's dynamic interaction with an equally dynamic environment.  Essentially, a dance with nature. In contrast to most other sports this interaction is inherently playful. That’s why when a "surfy" style is described in other sports, it tends to mean that the rider is playfully interacting with the terrain they’re riding on. It’s that playful quality of surfing that can be used to enhance many other activities, and incorporated as a way of living.


As a surfer that no longer lives near the beach, when you finally get to the beach you’re going to make the most of it. And when you go home you’re bringing the stoke back with you. Our goal is to give you the ideas, inspiration, and gear to make it as easy as possible to squeeze the surf out of life. Bringing the surf experience to the mountains and the mountain enthusiasm to the surf.


We truly value the inspiration we get from other's to continue chasing fun and adventure with our family. In turn, we hope to inspire others to do the same. What better way than with fun T-shirts, gear reviews, and inspirational videos for new adventures to share with your family and keep you healthy in the process.


We intend to grow to provide higher volume board production, gear demos and sales, and just maybe, a charter wakesurfing service. Gotta start somewhere, so for now, just buy our T-shirts.

Old yard snowboarding - front yard 1996.jpg
Old Surfboard on the Lake - 1995.jpg

Our Story


The simple story is we’re surfers that moved to the mountains. For the long winded version continue reading.


I was raised by a father who was passionate about surfing, but decided it would be better for his kids to be raised in the mountains far away from the glitz and glamour of the Southern California beaches. So, luckily he found one of the few places you can live in a four season mountain town and still go surfing regularly, Big Bear Lake, CA. So I was blessed to grow up in the mountains, while never the less idolizing surfing. This drove me to develop a desire and a skill to create surf-like experiences in every environment possible. From the obvious skateboarding, snowboarding and wakeboarding to the more obscure riding skateboard decks on pine needle covered hills, surfboards on snow, or my personal version of inventing wakesurfing, I was always trying to surf the mountains.


When I went to college, I was about 20% concerned with school and friends and 80% focused on finally being close enough to the beach that I could really surf. It was in these years that I met my future wife who happened to be a surfer girl from Carlsbad that absolutely rips. As our relationship grew, so did our shared passion for surfing. After college we moved to Carlsbad and shaped our life around surfing, living as close to the sand as we could muster and traveling for surf as much as we could afford. All the while we got married, tag-teamed our way through Grad School, got established in a career and recently grew our family to four.


While surfing was always the cornerstone of our lifestyle, we began to realize that we valued the surf experience just as much as the actual surfing.  As life got busier we found our beach time getting squeezed into quick surfs before work and then usually leaving on weekends to escape the hustle bustle and explore other adventures in the mountains. We began to rarely spend time at the beach outside of surfing. So, after much deliberation and ten wonderful years living the dream in Carlsbad, we finally took the leap and moved to the mountains. While our thirst for surf is never quenched, we have found our enjoyment of the surf experience has only grown. We still continually journey to the coast for surf, but now get to enjoy full days at the beach with multiple surf sessions in a day. By building and riding numerous surf crafts we can match the surf and conditions with the moods and energy we have. Similarly when in the mountains we continually manufacture the surf experience through many different activities. From snowboarding and splitboarding in the winter to stand-up paddling and wakesurfing in the summer, and more recently all varieties of foiling, we continue to expand our arsenal of ways to surf the mountains.

If you’re curious about how we are able to journey so frequently between the mountains and beach with 2 young kids and a diverse quiver of surf crafts, check out the VanLife section and Van stuff gear reviews.


Mountain Surf Co.

Big Bear Lake, CA


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©2022 by Mountain Surf Company 

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